Thursday, September 16, 2010

What it means to be a knitwear designer...

These are the "Perfect Fit" knit leggings I'm working on. The work is long and hard (?), but it's so much fun. Using Puma stretch yarn on a 7 gauge Brother machine. This is the set up and I'll have images of the final product as well. Woo hoo! Can't wait.

The patterned graph.
Close up of the patterned graph.
The kettehs telling me to "fuck work" and play. As usual.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

2010 Hair Color Trends I Love

I want someone to say, "I love your hair!" Don't you? My length was recently so lusciously long that I was actually getting compliments on it. Unfortunately, after making a quick bang trim appointment, the stylist insisted that it need more of a cut and ended up cutting 3" off my length. WTF?! Never again will I make a rush appointment at a random salon for a "trim."

On the upside, hair grows and there's always....color.
Usually when I go for color I work up a little inspiration page to discuss what the colorist and I can come up with. The images below are some ideas that I have.

Keywords: 3-D tones, Pastel, Peeking color

If the cut sucks, the color better rock, that's all I'm saying. Sassoon Salon in NYC on 18th St... pressures on. Let's work it out!

*All images were found through Google under "Fall 2010 Hair Color Trends"

Monday, September 6, 2010

Spring Inspiration

Just a little taste. Can't give too much away. ;)